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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Make the Change with SFM [Internet Business Digest]

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
Published by:
AIC Business Network
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Make the Change with SFM

Recession, what recession? There has never been
a better time to start Internet Marketing.

Have you thought about it before?
Have you searched Google for that life changing offer,
only to find some scam that took your money but
gave you nothing in return.
I am sure it all sounds familiar, if it does,
let me introduce you to,
The Six Figure Mentors

The Six Figure Mentors was started to give honest and sound
professional training to anyone wishing to be serious about
Internet Marketing and changing their lives.

Follow the links to get access to a complimentary 7
day Boot Camp to get you started, no strings no fee.

The Six Figure Mentors was founded by my good friend
Stuart Ross who has been my Mentor and started to change my
life significantly by teaching me step by step the secrets
of Internet Marketing, with products available or create
and sell your own.

Take advantage of this fantastic complimentary offer for
the 7 day video course and start to change your life today.

Paul Lester
SFM Official Mentor

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
AIC Business Network
The Arabic Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest Shopping Guide
(Al Milaff Al Arabi Ath-thijaari)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting Regd. No: 66070/97)
Your Business MessengersWorldwide!
Contact Info:
Ahamed Arif
The Internet Business Digest
255, Sindhu Street, Shaikh Abdullah Nagar,
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087

Privacy Policy


Monday, February 20, 2012

How To Find Profitable Keywords in 60 Minutes (OPEN UP) [Internet Business Digest]

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
Published by:
AIC Business Network
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Drive BIG Buyer Web Traffic in 2012...
How would you like to beat your competitors and attract just
the right targets for your product, service and business?

In this special edition, you'll find out:

1. Why Google is more picky (i.e. 'Panda') about content
2. What free keyword tools exist that the professionals use
3. What competitive spying is and how these free tools work
4. How to write keyword-driven content that ranks highest
5. How to measure your success (not what you think)
(there's more... but click below to find out...)


The Internet Business Digest Ezines
AIC Business Network
The Arabic Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest Shopping Guide
(Al Milaff Al Arabi Ath-thijaari)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting Regd. No: 66070/97)
Your Business MessengersWorldwide!
Contact Info:
Ahamed Arif
The Internet Business Digest
255, Sindhu Street, Shaikh Abdullah Nagar,
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087

Privacy Policy


Friday, February 17, 2012

Going Broke While Chasing Friends and Family? [Internet Business Digest]

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
Published by:
AIC Business Network
This is an AdsMarket Typhoon Solo Ad.
Order NOW your solo ad here:
Going Broke While Chasing Friends and Family?

If you're looking to achieve financial independence from
home, specifically through a network marketing
opportunity, you're in for a real awakening my friend...

Get exclusive access to "Why The High Ticket Sales
Concept Will Blow Your Network Marketing Strategy
Out The Water" Special Report before you waste another
day in your traditional Network Marketing deal.

To all our future successes.

Jason H Brown

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
AIC Business Network
The Arabic Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest Shopping Guide
(Al Milaff Al Arabi Ath-thijaari)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting Regd. No: 66070/97)
Your Business MessengersWorldwide!
Contact Info:
Ahamed Arif
The Internet Business Digest
255, Sindhu Street, Shaikh Abdullah Nagar,
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This works like crazy [Internet Business Digest]

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
Published by:
AIC Business Network
This is an AdsMarket Solo Ad.
Order NOW your solo ad here:
This works like crazy

You know that some people are making
their fortune online, while others
struggle, right! Ever wonder what
separates the big earners from the

Answer: All top earners have a
mailing list of their own!
Good news! Now you can build your
own mailing list fast and easy.

Get the step by step details here:

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
AIC Business Network
The Arabic Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest Shopping Guide
(Al Milaff Al Arabi Ath-thijaari)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting Regd. No: 66070/97)
Your Business MessengersWorldwide!
Contact Info:
Ahamed Arif
The Internet Business Digest
255, Sindhu Street, Shaikh Abdullah Nagar,
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087

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Monday, February 06, 2012

BB2 Site Builder Designer [Internet Business Digest]

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
Published by:
AIC Business Network

This is an AdsMarket Typhoon Solo Ad.
Order NOW your solo ad here:

BB2 Site Builder Designer

Like the original BlockBuilder, BB2 eliminates the need to
know any HTML, CSS, PHP, and every other acronym.

BB2 trains you in efficient and effective page-building as
you build Your website.

"BlockBuilder", a unique sitebuilder, provides powerful,
easy and fun-to-use software and makes more than sharp,
modern looking sites.

Click here or copy & paste below link into your search bar.

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
AIC Business Network
The Arabic Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest Shopping Guide
(Al Milaff Al Arabi Ath-thijaari)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting Regd. No: 66070/97)
Your Business MessengersWorldwide!
Contact Info:
Ahamed Arif
The Internet Business Digest
255, Sindhu Street, Shaikh Abdullah Nagar,
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087

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Saturday, February 04, 2012

What Is E-Commerce? [Internet Business Digest]

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
Published by:
AIC Business Network
Adsmarket.Biz Top Sponsor Ad
Top Sponsor / Priority / Solo / Typhoon Ads
Disaster Preparedness Can Save Your Family's Life
Survival supplies - Natural disaster preparedness clearance
Survival kits/supplies for the family, child, auto, office
& classroom. Long term food storage: MRE (Meals-Ready To-Eat)
Get prepared BEFORE the next big disaster hits!

What Is E-Commerce?
First of all, what is e-commerce? E-commerce is
commerce, including business, trade, buying, and
selling, that is transacted electronically, rather
than hand-to-hand. Businesses need efficient
technology and strong marketing in order for
e-commerce to be successful. The goal is to
increase your business by making it easier for
customers to shop, and if your website's lack of
technology and marketing make it difficult for
them, they may as well drive to the mall.

Before we look at e-commerce solutions, we need
to first figure out some of the problems with
e-commerce. There are many complaints from
customers when it comes to purchasing items
online. A few include a disorganized site that is
difficult and confusing to navigate; lack of
information on the website including failure to
tell customers about special deals or prices; the
inability to pay with the customer's native
currency or the inability for the customer to even
understand the language in which the website is
written; and frustrating and confusing shopping
carts and check out procedures.

Well then, what are some e-commerce solutions?
Having a professional looking website will attract
customers and make them feel confident in buying
from you. You want your website to be organized
and easy to navigate, and if you have an
informational website that is search engine
friendly; shows promotional deals; encourages up
selling in a friendly way (such as showing related
items or showing items that customers purchased
who also purchased the item you are purchasing);
is accessible in most languages and accepts
different types of currency; has a user friendly
shopping cart and single page checkout, then you
won't need many e-commerce solutions!

Remember, when your business is e-commerce, you
want to take all possible steps to make sure you
and your product are presented professionally,
friendly, and easily accessible.

For more resources, go to

Don't Miss This 3 Day Event!
Armand Morin LIVE is just a few weeks away. If you have been
online for more than a few years, you know that internet
marketing goes through phases and changes.

A BIG change is happening right now!

Here Are The Dates For Armand LIVE:
March 23-25 - London, England
April 13-15 - Orlando, Florida


Towards Success,
Ahamed Arif.

The Internet Business Digest Ezines
AIC Business Network
The Arabic Business Digest
The Internet Business Digest
The Internet Business Diges Shopping Guide
(Al Milaff Al Arabi Ath-thijaari)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting Regd. No: 66070/97)
Your Business MessengersWorldwide!
Contact Info:
Ahamed Arif
The Internet Business Digest
255, Sindhu Street, Shaikh Abdullah Nagar,
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai - 600087

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